Psychological Safety

In our group, we feel safe to take interpersonal risks - to share diverse views, surface issues and concerns. 
Our individual opinions are valued and respected as we collaborate on innovative solutions together. 

Increased Employee Wellbeing and Engagement

Build a Unified Understanding of Psychological Safety: Establish a common language of what psychological safety means and its importance in fostering a supportive and open workplace culture, with a focus on observable behaviors that contribute to psychological safety.

Experience Team Building Through the Lens of Psychological Safety: Engage in team-building activities designed to exemplify and practice the behaviors that enhance psychological safety, fostering trust and open communication among  team members.

Develop Skills for Team Contracting: Equip team members with the skills and knowledge to effectively create team contracts that include commitments to behaviors promoting psychological safety, ensuring these principles are embedded in team norms and daily interactions.

Formulate a Plan for Sustaining Psychological Safety Across the Organization: Collaborate on actionable plans that the team can implement to sustain and enhance psychological safety within their teams and across the organization, with a focus on monitoring and continuous improvement.

Team Leaders

Part I

Current Reality
Behavioral Insights
Actionable Plans

12 pax
from SGD 5,000

Team Leaders

Part II

New Landscape
Higher Engagement
Culture Shift

3 Hours
12 pax
from SGD 3,250


Part I

What is Psychological Safety
Observable Behaviors
Actionable Plans

30 pax
from SGD 8,500


Part II

Celebrate Milestones
Productivity and Wellbeing
Sustainable Culture

30 pax
from SGD 8,500